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Základní informace

The company ZETA CHRUDIM s.r.o. is engaged in complex service of shelf stackers, shelfs, cranes, lifters, mobile working floors and storage technology. Part of our services is reconstruction and GO shelf stackers by the biggest producers, construction documentation of shelf stackers reconstruction, service reparations – machine and electro, revision and revisional tests – machine and electro, training of staff, inspectors and service staff, spare parts supplies, technical help, time service. To another activities of the company belong : shelf revision, denotation, assesment of capacity (according to ČSN 269030) and their mountings and demountings. Machine and electro projects for reconstruction and translocation of shelf stores, projects of electrical equipment. Geodetic surveying of hoists taxiway, mainly shelf stackers. Revision of steel constructions according to ČSN 732601.

Adresa a kontakty

K Májovu 1264


537 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+ 420 469 622 430, 469 622 590

Mob.:+ 420 602 430 103

Fax: + 420 469 622 430



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