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Základní informace

ZABAG company, Ltd. sells new and used bags Big Bag. These bags are large-volume and they are suitable for transport of any loose and lump materials (plastic granulates, rubber, seed, fertilizers, wood pellets, ferrous waste, rubble, sand, PET bottles, aggregates, wood pellets, wood, textile, etc.). You save the cost allied to transporting and returning of various crates, boxes and containers. Prices of the bags are 5% of price of transport box pallets and 5% of their weight. We ensure production of various kinds of bags according to customer’s requirements. More information including image documentation you can find on you web sites.

Adresa a kontakty

Loučka 213


756 44

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 720 557 797

Mob.:+420 720 557 797




Propagační materiály firmy

Prezentace ZABAG obalové materiály ke stažení Stáhnout
Katalog vaky big bag ke stažení Stáhnout
Kartonové krabice ZABAG ke stažení Stáhnout
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