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Základní informace

The main company activities involve *COMPLETE SERVICES IN FIELDS OF ESTIMATION OF BUILDING PRODUCTION *for building, designing and investment companies, municipal authorities, building control departments, authorised experts.

This activity also involves publication and sale of purpose issues, mainly *CATALOGUES WITH DESCRIPTION – SITE DIARY* and price books of materials, in a printed form, or as a data file, followed with offer of *SOFTWARE*for estimation of buiding production - *KROS*, KORAL, OFERTA…

ÚRS is an expert´s institute for *REALPROPETY ESTIMATION*, buildings and plants.

The institute concentrates on finding and consulting services for classification and division of products, services and works (including repairs and maintenance) and of tangible assets (mainly revenue acts – VAT, depreciation classes) and the institute further concentrates on *APPLICATION OF SKP IN BUILDING INDUSTRY*.

An inseparable part form activities for state authorities in fields of development analysing and *BUILDING FORECASTING*, elaboration of information about industrial branches in individual regions, *TOPparades* of building companies and producers of building materials.

Activities connected with the issue of *REGIONAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT* involve also the conception and programmes, concerning the regional development, economical impacts, demographic and housing developing trends in countries and chosen towns in the Czech Republic.

Adresa a kontakty

Pražská 18

Praha 10

102 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 267 219 111

Fax: +420 271 751 175



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