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Základní informace

TMT company is engineering and production company that offers and supplies transport, handling and conveyer technology which is suitable for transport of bulk and piece materials in all industrial spheres and branches. We permanently supply to the sphere of automobile, paper, food-processing, chemical and building industry. We got important references in supplies segment for distribution, storage and logistic centres. Other interesting spheres of our activities are supplies of mounting, palletized, completely and packing line. Range of our supplies and services includes whole spectrum of engineering, production and assembly activities, such as construction and delivery of single conveyers or equipment, complex problem solution by supply of whole system with immediate entry. Advantage of the company is projection and construction teams experiences in connexion with modern and effective software equipment, in addition with the support of own strong productive bases. Parts of supplied systems are suitable structured belt conveyors (flat, trough, with modular belt, turning, etc.), roller, wheel, chain, belt, spiral, bucket elevators, lifting and starting sections, traversers, feeders, stackers, palletizers, etc. Matter of fact is supply of receiving hoppers, supporting and suspension steel constructions, transport bridges, etc. Frequently is part of supplies also atypical equipment according to concrete requirements of our business partners. For supplies assembly we integrate into transport lines the weighting systems, metals detectors, labels applicator, bar-code readers, sticking, packing, winding and strapping machines, etc. Responsible position has robotic systems too. Important part of supplied equipments and transport systems are electro and control systems supplies. You can choose from various kinds and types of elements and we will maximal respect your requirements and wishes. Other supplementary programs of the company you can find on our web sites

Adresa a kontakty

Tovární 290


537 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 469 606 111, servis: 469 606 150

Mob.:servis: +420 723 187 947 (p.Čihák)

Fax: +420 469 606 140



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