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Základní informace

The firm SIWECO s.r.o. is a business firm providing a full assortment and service in the field of: WELDING ENGINEERING, ACCESSORY MATERIAL and ACCESSORIES FOR WELDING. It especially specializes in assortment of accessory materials for welding. The offer includes a full assortment of products of the firms ESAB and BOHLER. Deliveries of all kinds and types of welding materials of mentioned producers, consulting service and application service at a choice of suitable type of welding material, we guarantee a quality of supplied assortment, import of ordered materials is FREE and further services associated with a quality service in this field. More information about actual offer find at our web site.

Adresa a kontakty

Průmyslové centrum HOMOLA, Vratimovská 11


718 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 595 237 524

Mob.:+420 775 728 823

Fax: +420 595 226 420



Propagační materiály firmy

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leták leták Stáhnout
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