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Základní informace

The firm SCHINDLER CZ, a. s. realizes SUPPLIES OF NEW LIFTS, ESCALATORS AND POWER WALKS and their SERVICE. It acts about LIFTS WITH AN ENGINE HALL OR WITHOUT IT. There also belongs MODERNIZATION AND LIFT REGENERATION in panel houses (SchindlerPANELift). At present the firm Schindler offers three types of lifts in many variants according to customer´s requirements: SchindlerSmart MRL 001 - lift especially prepared for a house-building, SchindlerSmart MRL 002 - lift for hotels and administration buildings of middle price range and for above standard house objects. SchindlerEuroLift - lift prepared for a wide utilization from modernization and reconstruction for fancy buildings up to 30 stations. More information find at web site

Adresa a kontakty

Řevnická 170/4

Praha 5

155 21

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 257 293 111

Fax: +420 257 221 523



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