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Základní informace

The company Pracovni stroje Teplice specializes mainly in development and supplies of machines with hydraulic systems. We carry on reconstruction of hydraulic systems and control press circuit to fulfill present safety standards and directives. * PRODUCTION PROGRAMME * - Vertical and horizontal baling presses for waste and metals. - Hydraulic presses for use in repair services, metal production and other fields where you need pressing methods. - Moulding presses for technology and conveyor belts - carriers of special moulds for production of polyurethane mouldings. We supply a hydraulic press according to an assignment or customer's need. In case of further questions please contact us on above mentioned telephone numbers or visit our web site ( We look forward to you!!!

Adresa a kontakty

Důlní 106


415 10

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 417 560 679

Mob.:+420 602 168 330, 602 421 602, 728 496 305



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