NÁSTROJE - K TÁBOR spol. s r.o. |
Vytisknout |
The company offers - Knives (turning work) - Milling cutters, milling heads - Grinding tools and accessories to this tools - Augers, reamer drills, reamers, countersinking bits - Measuring instruments - Hand tools - Chucking tools - DIA tools - Screwing taps, screw-cutting dies. Visit us - open - Mo - Th: 7:00 - 15:30; Fri: 7:00 - 15:00.
Vožická 2104
390 01
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 381 493 273
Mob.:+420 602 657 400
Fax: +420 381 493 273
E-mail: nastroje.k@tiscali.cz
Internet: www.nastroje-k.cz
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