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Základní informace

The company METAFO spol. s r.o is engaged in pulverized varnishing of metal goods as for example: steel, aluminium and also galvanized sheets, covers, profiles, tubes, frames, welded parts, castings, fence parts, balconied railings. Maximum size of surface treated parts is 6,2 x 1,9 x 0,9 metres or 2,0 x 2,0 x 4,0 metres and maximum weight of one part can be up to 500 kg. If you require high corrosive resistance we make two-layer pulverized varnishing with using of underlying pulverized plastic/ full-value compensation of zinc dipping. Preliminary treatment of parts before pulverized varnishing we make either chemical/ for example: sheet metal, AL profiles/ or mechanical blasting/ steel profiles, weldments, fence parts, etc./ Package of surface treated parts we do according to client’s requirements. We offer short delivery time, contractual prices, quantity rebates and technical assistance in solving of specific surface treatment problems.

Adresa a kontakty

Fojtka 3

Mníšek u Liberce

463 22

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 485 146 646, +420 485 146 941

Mob.:+420 724 096 302

Fax: +420 485 146 646



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