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Základní informace

Offers complex service in area of municipal utilities:

* CONTEINER APPOSITION for waste 3 – 15 m3 exept hazardous waste ( cars AVIA, Mercedes Benz – loading limit 3 – 10 tun)

* WINTER AND SUMMER UNKEEP highways and communications (scaterring, plough work, manual and mechanical cleanig, hydraulic washing, high temperature springling)

* COMPLEX ROADS CLEANING includes traffic sign placement * UNKEEP OF GREEN IN THE TOWN

* DISPOSAL OF TIPS * VERGE CUT OFF even under crash barrier by usage of machine SODER * CUT OFF roadway profiles (til 6 metres) by using machine MULAG * and others. Holder of CERTIFICATE quality system ČSN EN ISO 9001:2001. The company has been established 1991. On our web pages you will find all technical conteiners specification as well as individual machines with plenty of photographies and detailed service desctription.

Adresa a kontakty

Papírenská 12

Praha 6

160 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 233 320 311

Mob.:+420 602 620 757

Fax: +420 233 323 695



Propagační materiály firmy

ke stažení Stáhnout
ke stažení Stáhnout
ke stažení Stáhnout
ke stažení Stáhnout
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