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Základní informace

The firm Liberecké strojírny s.r.o. is 100% Czech firm, which has been established in year 1993. The main manufacturing programme are complex mechanized festoon lines for a production of standard breads. These lines with a high productivity of labour are in service in more then 50 bakehouse in Bohemia and in the Slovak Republic. The lines are abroad and machines LS in Hungary, Russia and in Ukraine. The firm also produce the lines for bread, cookies, doughnut, cane, potato crisp production and so forth. We are able to ensure projection preparation and supply full technology including project from small bakehouses eventually tea-rooms up to great industrial bakehouses. We ensure repairs and also GO all equipments including service providing. Further the firm deals with a production of wardrobes, containers and it ensures cooperative supplies for different customers. This production is in the field of cutting operation and also welding, construction production, sheet-metal working, assemblies and so forth. More information find at web sites.

Adresa a kontakty

Jana Švermy 14

Liberec 10

460 10

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 485 151 260, 485 150 418

Fax: +420 486 141 478, 485 151 143



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