KATRES spol. s r.o. |
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The company KATRES spol. s r.o. works in two fields of wood protection: in the field of technology and techniques of timber drying and the field of chemical protection of wood against dry rot and wood-attacking pests. Division 1 - THE MANUFACTURE OF TIMBER DRYING CHAMBERS - KATRES spol. s r.o. it became one of the foremost manufacturers of drying chambers in Europe. The basic range includes is over 60 varieties of conventional timber drying chambers from a volume of 4 to 200 m3. Division 2 - CHEMICALS - manufactures wood protective preparations dissolved in water for various fields (wood-destroying fungus, fungus and insect) of use under the trading name of "KATRIT". The production is mainly aimed at professional application in industrial and crafts area in wood industry and building industry. Division 3 - TRADE - wood and woodworks - is directed primarily towards the import of glued prisms for structural woodworking production both from spruce and tropical timbers, firstly Meranti for the domestic market and partly for export. KATRES spol. s r.o. aslo offers consultancy in the field of timber processing and using timber and materials based on timber. More information on www.katres.cz.
Kolovratská 1445
Říčany u Prahy
251 01
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 323 603 942
Fax: +420 567 312 268
E-mail: jihlava@katres.cz
Internet: www.katres.cz
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