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Základní informace

The firm main activity focus on sale and installation of equipment for building drainage with machine K2000 – suitable especially for any type of walling, inner and outer façade, low energy consumption, permanent walling seasoning or plasters without damage. Sale of special material for seasoning: HYDROMENT DRYING PLASTER - use for permanent redevelopment of plaster with high capillary humidity, suitable for facades or inner spaces, for socle plaster, walls under ground level, rubble masonry, strongly salinized, especially recommended for sanitation of buildings care of historical monuments. HYDROMENT SKIN COAT – for soft effacement. CEMENT HIDROZAT - high-early-strength mortar to stop exfiltration aloud immediate stop of spring let water. Concrete setting time is 10s to 4 min. CEMENT HIDROKIT – material for cavetto, to stop exfiltration on blown-out concrete, concrete structure joints and concrete cracks. It can be used everywhere occurred humidity especially to seal cracks before Hidrotes lay on. Concrete setting is 10 to 50 minutes. A further offer includes GRAVEL, GLUE, and JOINTING MATERIAL. We offer free of charge consultancy. Find more at

Adresa a kontakty

Čs.armády 282/15

Hradec Králové

500 03

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 495 511 978; 466 958 935

Mob.:+420 603 780 162; 605 156 045

Fax: +420 495 511 978; 466 958 935



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