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Základní informace

The company Pavel Hendrich – Hendrich and son ensures excavation works, transport and other reconstruction works and building works: sewer and pipe connections, gas conduits and steam pipes, electro-engineering networks, water courses including assurance of basalt and granite stone supplies for reparation or walls building, demolition of properties including concrete and steel concrete construction demolitions, formations of various range with assurance of grassing and area putting, building of drive ways to recreational camps, playground construction or reconstruction. Matter of fact is also supply of various materials: sand, crushed rock, hammer-dressed stone (various sizes), bitumen and mould. The company ensures transport of rubble and soil including storage in a waste dumps or recycling centres.

Adresa a kontakty

Děčín XXVII-Březiny 201


405 02

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 775 557 031

Fax: +420 412 524 054



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