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Základní informace

The company František Hájek – Izolace is stable and perspective company in its branch. We are specialized in heating sound insulation of properties by insulating material CLIMATIZER PLUS. CLIMATIZER PLUS is natural insulating material from wood pulp that is blown to roofs, walls, ceilings and floors. CLIMATIZER PLUS declares excellent insulation levels both in winter and summer, its utilization leads to power savings, heat cost reduction, reduction of CO2 emissions rise and it also leads to environment improvement. Insulating layer CLIMATIZER PLUS is able to create on hardly accessible places and it reliably prevents from joint airiness creation. Except that the insulating system takes care of pleasant room climate because it equalizes air moisture fluctuation. We are also specialized in mountings of gypsum soffits and bars KNAUF, mineral soffits and complete realization of attic constructions. Our chosen employees are yearly skilled by company Knauf, therefore we can always offer the most modern construction solution. Matter of fact is given terms of realization and affordable prices. More information you can get on our phone numbers.

Adresa a kontakty

Trpín 71


569 74

Česká republika

Mob.:+420 603 374 752



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