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Základní informace

The firm Folie - Jan Kolář specializes especially in production, welding and sale of foils and other assortment. * FIRM ASSORTMENT * - 1.) CUSTOM-MADE FOILS - we produce for gardeners and builders: - Custom-made covers on plastic greenhouses, from perennial foil according to customer request - Covers on pools - winter ones, summer ones - Dural prefab construction of plastic greenhouses - Machine wrappage of journals to the PE foils. We supply: - all polyethylene material (covers, sleeves, bags, sacks etc.) - Steam-proof foils - Steam-permeant foils - Non-wovens (white ones, black ones) - All-plastic netting and other. 2.) FOILS - most resistant to atmospheric conditions, stabilized againts solar radiation, lifetime 5 years. FURTHER THEN: custom-made coats on plastic greenhouses, dural construction of plastic greenhouses, sale of all kinds of foils, goods covering, insulation, nn-wovens (foils), tonneau covers on pools (summer ones, winter ones). For more information, please, do not hesitate to contact us on our telephone numbers or visit our web sites ( We are looking forward to see you!!!

Adresa a kontakty

Brněnská 310

Hradec Králové

500 09

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 495 262 752

Mob.:+420 608 734 029

Fax: +420 495 262 752



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