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Základní informace

Business activity in the part of import and export the wiring material and consultant activity are the main business of the firm. Deliveries of a cable bushing (plastic, brassy) and accessories (matrices, core plugs, binding bands) are the supporting programme of the firm. The company ELTEQ, spol. s r. o. is a sole distributor of the BIMED company. It acts about: safety hose-pipes from polyamide and other materials and to these hose-pipes also suitable accessories from German company REIKU. It also represents the firm ABTECH, which deals with development and casing production to industry and electrical engineering. These boxes are made from different materials, as the aluminium, polystyrole, ABS, etc. are. The firm offers to its customers a consultancy and a consultation. More information find at web site

Adresa a kontakty

Puškinova 36

Liberec 25

463 12

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 482 313 241; 482 313 941

Mob.:+420 724 084 902; 725 501 917

Fax: +420 482 313 157



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