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Základní informace

EDEN CZECH Company, Ltd. produces and distributes: FURNITURE – housing, office, children´s, for shops, for studies and living-rooms, bedrooms, vestibules. Further EDEN BATHROOM FURNITURE – cabinets of all kinds of sizes, smaller size arrangements for sanitary units, cabinets with hinged laundry basket, glassed-in chests, plinth chests, on pillars or castors, mirrors, decorative shelves, racks, complementary boxes, also larger arrangements for double-basins. The furniture is made from LTD boards, solid timber and veneer. Frontal parts are varnished, using high quality polyurethane varnish, which is humidity resistant. The products are provided in white design with chrome holds, various colour combinations are available. We also provide ceramic wash-basins, Czech and Italian. We also offer COMPUTER DESKS with drawout desks, BEDS – single beds, double beds, all shapes and sizes, FURNITURE ACCESSORIES – shelves, corner racks, kitchen units, hangings, benches, children´s stools. We also provide DOOR REPAIRING AND ADJUSTMENT. On agreement, JOB-ORDER MANUFACTURE is possible. More information is available on the web page

Adresa a kontakty

ul. Rohlenka 260


664 51

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 544 228 868

Mob.:+420 777 765 404; +420 777 765 408; +420 777 765 405



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