DUKLA Trutnov, s.r.o. |
Vytisknout |
Traditional Czech producer of pressure equipment and appliances for water treatment. DUKLA Trutnov, s.r.o. assumed all business and production activity of the company DUKLA CZ, s.r.o., with old history that was engaged in production of pressure tanks and sub deliveries of industrial engineering units. New company assumed all business connections, know-how, complete technical rear, technology and orders of previous company. Assortment: expansion tanks - pressure tanks for heat cladding, Aquamat - pressure tanks for waterworks, Ecotherm - storage tanks, air reservoirs, air jets - pressure tanks for pneumatic systems, safety valves, machines for magnetic water treatment, appliances for chemical water treatment, filters – emollient, sand, ionex, two-layer, gas anchor thermal and pressure. Job-order manufacture of pressure and non-pressure tanks and reservoirs up to Ø 4000 mm a 150 m3, boilers, pipes, etc. More information you can find on our web sites.
Elektrárenská 390
Trutnov 3
541 03
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 499 852 111
Fax: +420 499 841 229
E-mail: obchod@dukla.cz; info@duklatrutnov.cz
Internet: www.duklatrutnov.cz
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