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Základní informace

The company deliveres a complete programme of wooden floors, produced by the QUI DEVA, including parquetts, glues, sealers, varnishes, oils, cleaning agents for renovation of old floors, including machines and tools for grinding – cylindrical, orbital, rotary, gridning tools. Possibility of hiring. Further our company realizes all kind of wooden floors. The company also provides its customers with professional, special schooling, consultancy, technical and economic servicing. We also have a BRANCH OFFICE: Praha 9 – Vysočany, Pod pekárnami 10, 190 00, tel.: +420 266 034 459. For more information please search on our websites.

Adresa a kontakty

28. října 1796/25

Jablonec nad Nisou

466 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 483 318 045

Fax: +420 483 318 044



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