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Základní informace

The company Desjoyaux, s.r.o. is the exclusive importer for the pools of the trade mark Desjoyaux to the Czech Republic. The company offers both FAMILY POOLS and PUBLIC-USE SWIMMING POOLS, the area, where the Desjoyaux filtration technique has won general popularity, especially thanks to its favourable price and simplicity. To more sophisticated items of the technique belong MASSAGE POOLS, offered to the hydrotherapy-loving customers. Currently, the company Pools Desjoyaux Ltd. is represented by 12 regional dealers; moreover, the potential customers can overlook Desjoyaux pools at 3 show localities. All of the information is available through dialling the phone connection 800 105 000.

Adresa a kontakty

Hornoměcholupská č.53

Praha 10 - Hostivař

102 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 274 771 601,

Fax: +420 274 771 601



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