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Základní informace

The company ALUMINIUM CENTRUM s.r.o. based in Žatec concurs business activities of the company KASTENS & KNAUER GmbH & Co INTERNATIONAL KG with longterm experiences, which was established in 1977 in Bremen. It offers: Folders - Bars - Sheets and profiles - Aluminium sheets - Aluminium folders - Aluminium blocks - Brass, copper and bronze - Cutting on dividing CNC machnes - Production of shooks with a high accuracy by the help of CNC dividing apparatus - CNC accurate saw +/- 0,3 mm folder according to customer´s set - Saw for cutting of bars and profiles - 1300 m2 of storage shed - Own freight service - Quality according to ISO 9000. Plant: Complex of Šroubárna Žatec, Purkyněho 1161, CZ 438 01 Žatec.

Adresa a kontakty

Bubenská ul.

Praha 7

170 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 415 710 170

Fax: +420 415 710 690



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