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Základní informace

Air Liquide Welding is world leader in development of welding and burning technologies. Experts team is ready to support your projects and help to raise the productivity and quality of your production. Air Liquide Welding offers complete range of equipment for hand welding and metal dividing, wide spectrum of machines and equipment for automatization, supplementary welding materials (MMA covered electrode, MIG/MAG tubular and solid wires, SAW wires, soldering flux, TIG wires and wires for gas welding) and equipment for welding. The company ALW CZ offers to its clients schooling, service and consultancy. More information you can find on company’s web sites.

Adresa a kontakty

Podnikatelská 565

Praha 9 Běchovice

190 11

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 274 023 163

Fax: +420 274 023 233



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