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Základní informace

Agentura D-K Company Ltd. was founded in 1993. The company is located in Chrudim, but you can also reach us in our premises located on the edge of Choltice (next to CYKLOS shop) c. 10 km from Pardubice towards Přelouč. We are 100% Czech company and from the beginning of our foundation we deals with purchase, recycling and sale of raw materials. Initially, we focused on scrap iron and non-ferrous metals. Later was our production extended in the sphere of paper, plastics and glass. Our company is not a big one and that’s why is able to react quickly to any requirement of customers. Since the foundation of our company we have built a good position and became supplier to foundry and big scrap companies in the Czech Republic and also abroad. The scope of our company is especially focused on East Bohemia but if it is necessary we are able to operate all over the Czech Republic.

Adresa a kontakty

Škroupova 53



Česká republika

Tel.:+420 603 466 589, 604 749 149

Mob.:+420 603 466 589, 604 749 149




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