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Seminars from Arnold Umformtechnik


arnold_162With Fastener Forum – a series of seminars on industrial topics focussing on joint technology – Arnold is extending its range of services and offering professional information exchange at a high level.


Fastener Forum is part of the Expertise Centre concept that Arnold has been building up over several years. The aim of this concept is to offer customers not only high-quality products, but also a comprehensive package of services in areas including e-engineering, standardisation and technical cleanliness. Fastener Forum embodies Arnold’s efforts to address the rising demand for technical training and knowledge transfer. It is where design and development engineers, as well as employees in engineering purchasing departments, obtain important information and food for thought on innovative fastening systems and their development, design and application.

The speakers are experts in fastener engineering and related areas, including materials engineering, surface treatment and processing technology. This ensures that the presentations have a strong practical orientation. The seminars are classified into three categories by subject matter: metal joining, plastics joining and sheet metal joining. This creates a comprehensive perspective of the individual topics, which is supported by a diverse combination of interesting presentations and informative displays from key players.

This approach encourages interaction between the participants and the speakers, thereby offering extensive opportunities for continuous learning at the professional, methodological and personal levels.

Photo: © jeremias münch –


The Arnold Group is a fully owned subsidiary of the internationally active Würth Group, which realises sales of more than 8 billion euros worldwide with 420 companies and about 65,000 employees.

Carl-Arnold-Strasse 25
D-74670 Forchtenberg-Ernsbach
PULT Michael
Phone : +49 (0)7947/821-170
Fax : +49 (0)7947/821-195

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