5 latest demands
Stavební úpravy domu
Realizace rekonstrukce objektu
Revitalizace zahrady
Realizace modernizace objektu
Realizace úpravy osvětlení
5 latest offers
Nabídka - permanentní magnety - feritový blok - 19,8x15,2x6 (MA) mm
Vozy k demontáží
Nabídka filamentů pro 3D tiskárny -
Cementační prášky Durferrit
PC vytlačovací - čirá - 20 t.

Ventilové terminály pro průmyslová odvětví VTOC



The valve terminal VTOC from Festo is reliable, compact and cost-effective. It is particularly suitable for pilot control of process valves in the semiconductor, photovoltaic, flat-panel, biotech, pharmaceutical and process industries – and now even comes with a customised pin allocation. The pilot valve terminal VTOC from Festo for up to 48 3/2-way valves can be used wherever safety considerations call for valves with spring return. It is ideal for reliable pilot control in gas box applications thanks to its separate conductive tracks and push-in connectors. It also features double-pin actuation of each coil. This guarantees that the valves do not automatically switch through on the circuit board in the event of a short circuit.

An integrated fibre-optic system additionally ensures high process reliability. The VTOC meets a number of individual requirements such as multi-pin plug connection with Sub-D plug or flat cable with different outlet directions. The highlight, however, is the customised pin allocation – it's hard to get safer than this.





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