5 latest demands
Výměna elektroinstalace
Oprava vnitřních instalací
Zateplení fasády MŠ
Multifunkční obráběcí stroj
Dodávka nábytku
5 latest offers
Volné kapacity vstřikování
Nabídka - permanentní magnety - feritový blok - 19,8x15,2x6 (MA) mm
Certifikáty - Schwer Fittings
H2-lok šroubení se dvěma svěrnými prstenci
Chemie pro čistění vod

Motorola Solutions Announces Shipment of One Millionth MOTOTRBO™ Two-Way Radio


Transition from analog to digital TDMA technology continues to gain momentum
Motorola Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: MSI) announced the delivery of its one millionth MOTOTRBO™ two-way radio. MOTOTRBO is a comprehensive communication solution with a portfolio of portable and mobile radios, repeaters, data applications and services. MOTOTRBO also has a complete line of accessories including the exclusive line of IMPRES™ audio and energy accessories that enhance voice communications and extend battery life.

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