5 latest demands
Rozšíření kanalizace a ČOV
Fotovoltaické elektrárny
Celková revitalizace veřejného osvětlení
Modernizace sportovního hřiště ZŠ
5 latest offers
Barevné koncentráty 25 t
Prodám:Plnivo - filler masterbatch 24 T
Prodám:Absorbér vlhkosti (Desiccant) 24 t
Regranulace PP, PE, ABS, PS, PC, PC/ABS
Dodáváme a montujeme rozvaděče od českých výrobců

Cabur srl



AC/DC a DC/DC spínané napájecí zdroje a měniče s montáží na DIN lištu, relé a reléové bloky pro vybavení rozváděčových skříní, svorky a svorkovnice, konektory a propojovací prvky, solární kabely a konektory pro fotovoltaiku

Web výrobce:


Our products


With over 50 years of experience, Cabur develops and produces a wide range of products for electrical panels and systems. Using its own designs, Cabur products are renowned for their reliability, even under the most extreme conditions.

The current range of terminal blocks and connection systems perfectly satisfies the various and complex installation requirements of customers.

The wide set of products and the high performance offered by Cabur power supplies are the result of years of research and development that is constantly focused on meeting the needs of even the most demanding users.

The Cabur Solar line of products has been designed to deliver the highest performance from your photovoltaic system, while guaranteeing the utmost safety.

The innovative CaburJet marking system is an advanced solution that makes brings new levels of efficiency within reach.

Our products are used in the creation and distribution of electricity, in industrial automation, in process control, and in civil, industrial and tertiary installations.


Electronic products Catalogue 2017/2018



Jedlová 395

Zruč - Senec

330 08

Česká republika


Tel.:+420 377 824 986, 377 824 978

Mob.:Hotline: +420 602 641 700

Fax: +420 377 825 002




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