5 latest demands
Rekonstrukce objektu
Modernizace ZŠ – dodávka nábytku
Vybavení interiéru
Pořízení nosiče kontejnerů vč. kontejnerů
Oprava příjezdové komunikace
5 latest offers
Briketovací lis Briklis iSwarf 50-4-60-L
Služba recyklace plastů
Kemppi - nové TIGové svařovací zdroje
LongLife kyslíkové plasmy - HySpeed HT 200, HT 4400
Vzduchové plasmy - PowerMax systémy

Katalog firem

Zobrazeno 21 - 40 z celkem 51163 záznamů
Strana: 1234    ... 2559

Dopravní značení K.H. s.r.o.

Delivery and installation of vertical, horizontal and temporary traffic signs and other road furniture; permanent vertical traffic signs (delivery and…

Město: Kutná Hora

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ENRESS s.r.o.

Čistá likvidace odpadů a jejich využití pro energetické účely. NITRÁTOVÁ SMĚRNICE - úprava digestátu, odpadu z bioplynových stanic, na účinné a…

Město: Praha

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Gabriel-Chemie Bohemia s.r.o.

W grudniu 2004 powstał w Pruszkowie nowy oddział Gabriel-Chemie Group pod nazwą Gabriel-Chemie Polska Sp.z o.o. Gabriel-Chemie specjalizuje się już od ponad…

Město: Lázně Bohdaneč

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Ing. Vladimír Rosenbaum RVR

The firm Ing. Vladimír Rosenbaum RVR supplies and assemblies compact assortment of building doors and doorcases designed for indoor use in domestic and also…

Město: Jílové u Prahy

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Jast, s. r. o.

Jast Company Ltd., is ranked among the stable companies in its field. The company deals with traffic signs, road transport, business activities, forwarding and…

Město: Doudleby nad Orlicí

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K-Drives CZ s.r.o.

The technology of electric drives KVELB Company Ltd. is an authorized distributor of productS manufactured by SIEMENS A&D (Automation & Drives) and…

Město: Mohelnice

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KTR CR, spol. s r.o.

The company KTR CR, spol. s r.o. was founded in 2001. The company hundred-per-cent owner is the German company KTR Kupplungstechnik GmbH, seated in the town…

Město: Jevíčko

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Manutan s.r.o.

Specialized e-shop with comprehensive offer of equipment for companies, warehouses, offices and workrooms. 80% of items are in stock. Guarantee for 10 years.…

Město: Ostrava-Třebovice

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MEC technik, s.r.o.

We offer CNC forming machines We are selling production technologies such as CNC for cold forming, cutting and welding, as well as their service, training,…

Město: Kladno- Kročehlavy

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Metal Service Centre-IMC Slovakia, s.r.o.

Metal Service Centre – IMC Slovakia Ltd. is engaged in the sphere of supplies of aluminium materials, aluminium alloys, bronze alloys, structural and noble…

Město: Považská Bystrica

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MMM SOLAR s.r.o.

The firm ING. MILOSLAV Mužík -MMM- SOLAR belongs to the first certificated assembly firm of solar equipments in the Czech Republic. We offer: * Concultancy in…

Město: Ostrava

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OBZOR, výrobní družstvo Zlín

OBZOR Company, cooperative society Zlín, is engaged in production of small electrical products (can switches, micro-switches etc.), home switches and sockets,…

Město: Zlín

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OHRA Regalanlagen GmbH v ČR

To nejlepší z oceli - nejvyšší kvalita a dlouhá životnost! V polovině 60. let byly jednoduchými prostředky vyrobeny první konzolové regály pro obchod se…

Město: Brno

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The firm PRAGOELAST s.r.o. offers you production and sale of parts made of recycled rubber for noise and vibration absorbing in the field of transportation and…

Město: Praha 5 - Radotín

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R+R Dřevos,s.r.o.

The company has long time tradition in the sphere of constructions of wood houses, cottages and farm houses with usage of sandwich construction technology.…

Město: Frýdek-Místek

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RESTA s.r.o.

The company RESTA s.r.o. was founded in January 1991 as one of the first companies in the Czech Republic that begun to deal with the problems of building waste…

Město: Přerov

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SIDOTRANS Company Ltd. is specialized in purchase and sale of freight cars from 3,5t up to 60t of useful weight: tractors, semi-trailers – canvas covered,…

Město: Praha 5 - Lahovice

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T M T spol. s r. o. Chrudim

TMT company is engineering and production company that offers and supplies transport, handling and conveyer technology which is suitable for transport of bulk…

Město: Chrudim

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UVAX, s.r.o.

The company UVAX, s.r.o. deals with a METAL PRODUCTION especially a production of KITCHEN WIRE PROGRAM and PRODUCTION FROM WIRE. Further branch is CUSTOM…

Město: Šumperk

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Since 1993 the company VINAMET has manufactured products from plastic by injection technology, exhaustion, injection combined with exhaustion and also…

Město: Havířov-Město

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Zobrazeno 21 - 40 z celkem 51163 záznamů
Strana: 1234    ... 2559
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