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Basic informations

WHP TECHNIK activity is concretrate on technical support, consultancy, sale and service of products in this areas: MEASURMENT TECHNIQUE – 3D measurment machine coordinate systems, callipers, micrometers, indicators, altimeter, inside callipers, measuring tables and stands, surface plate, standard gauge blocs, calibres, goniometers, skid resistance measure, prismatic mats, measuring probes, and other gauges. AUTOMATION ELEMENTS – rotary sensors Leine & Linde, speed-voltage generators Radio-Energie, tachogenerators, radio distance controls, gearbox motors. IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS – resolution base on barcodes and RFID. Industrial printeries and applicators Citizen, Markpoint, dataterminals Opticon and Minec, orthoscanners, barcodes software, EAN, expendable properties – self-adhestive labels and thermotranfer bands. We offer PROJECT SOLUTION for mobile information gathering (applications for stores, production and sale) CUSTOM LABEL PRINTING barcodes, with text, graphic art, scalers, manufacture date/usage etc. INSTALLATION and STAFF TRAINING. Work out PRICING on required products and solutions is matter of course. Find more informations at web sites

Address and contacts

Kroftova 45


616 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 541 243 896; 541 224 364; 541 224 361

Mob.:+420 603 434 272 GSM brána

Fax: +420 541 243 897



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