VDA PRAHA - výrobní družstvo autoprůmyslu |
VDA PRAHA - car industry cooperative society has longtime tradition and experience in sale, repairs and service of starting battery, alkaline cells and traction batteries. Service places are equipped with needed technics and in-store rear area for sale and service of lead batteries, alkaline cells and traction batteries. In all of workrooms it offers: - fresh charged batteries in high-grade quality, - services complexity, parking possibility, - assembly and old battery liquidation free of charge. More on www.
Bubenské nábřeží 10
Praha 7
170 00
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 220 875 661, 220 875 032, 257 328 108
Fax: +420 233 376 297
E-mail: vda@autobaterie.cz
Internet: www.autobaterie.cz
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