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Basic informations

The company TRESTON ltd. is producer and supplier of elements for temperature measuring and pressure sensors, producer of industrial thermometers, signal transducers, galvanic sections, power sources, barometers, protecting thermowells and custom hybrid integrated circuits for production of above mentioned applications. It allows permanent and repeated reaching of very good process parameters, especially accurancy and stability. These products are used by czech and foreign companies especially in heat plants, energetics, petrochemistry but also in other industrial branches. PRODUCTS - *resistive temperature detectors without thermowell* *DIN rail mounted industrial transmitters * *DIN rail mouted galvanic isolators* DIN rail mounted in alluminium case* *power supplies* *temperature sensors* *pressure sensors* *thermowells for temperature sensors* *thickfilm heaters* *hybrid integrated circuits*.
In case of further questions, please, comtact us on above mentioned tel. numbers or visit our web sites ( We look forward to you!!!

Address and contacts

Částkov 40

pošta Bílovice

687 12

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 572 580 021, 572 580 022

Mob.:+420 739 442 121

Fax: +420 572 580 024




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