Toyota Material Handling CZ s.r.o. |
The company Toyota Material Handling CZ sells, offers services and rents handling and stock technology – front lift trucks TOYOTA and stock handling technology by trade mark BT – hand pallet trucks, low-lift and high-lift trucks, retracks, system and prepare trucks. Thanks to high-quality of manufactured products - especially in light of service life and safety is our company one of the best companies in its field in the czech market. TMH CZ is member of Toyota Material Handling Group, the biggest world producer of handling technology. We sell not only own machines – trucks but we offer complex after-sales services, different programs of service and upkeep, reparation of mechanisms, short and long lease of machines, sale of used trucks and another professional and high-quality services. We prepare for you different project and variants of solving stocking and handling.
K Vypichu 1049
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 311 651 111
Mob.:zelená linka: +420 800 900 911
Fax: +420 311 651 311
TMHCZ - Range Leaflet | Nabídka Toyota Material Handling | Download |
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