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Basic informations

We are importers of product of trade marks Ambersil and Servisol from multinational corporation CRC that is holder of ISO certificates.

Further we are an official importer of trade mark MONACOR INTERNATIONAL which is the specialist in electronics in the sphere of sound distribution and security such as:

- stage and DJ technology (mixers, amplifiers, microphones, loud speakers, headphones, spotlights, cables, connectors)
- lighting technology (lighting effects, LED lighting, stands, lighting ramps)
- PA technology (amplifiers, speakers, microphones, megaphones)
- security technology (cameras, recorders, switching unit, sirens)
- car HIFI – auto HIFI (amplifiers, speakers, subwoofers, cables, connectors)
- loud speakers of all types from mini speakers to HIFI including
- cables, connectors and reduction (NEUTRIK, BNC, XLR and the like)
- measuring and “for handymen”(measuring devices, multimeters, switches, buttons, potentiometers, ventilators, tools, sprays, batteries, power supply)

We supply lubricants, corrosion prevention products, fluids for metal cutting, products for control and detection, products enabling better welding and the most comprehensive series of industrial cleaners.

Your questions will be answered on the mentioned phone numbers or you can visit our web site

We look forward to seeing you!

Address and contacts

Babíčkova 1123/6, Hodolany


779 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 585 312 828

Mob.:+420 608 714 004, +420 775 279 798

Fax: +420 585 312 828



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