TACHIMEX s.r.o. |
The company Tachimex s.r.o was founded in 1994. Activities of the company were originally based on business activity, especially in the sphere of plastic processing and lease of realties. Over the years the company has changed its appearance and there were a few turns. Presently is the company engaged in the sphere of plastic processing including production and construction of forms and since 2009 has the activity of the company widen in the sphere of furniture including complete office equipment, receptions, libraries, home workrooms, from elaboration design to its own realization.
T.G.Masaryka 1326
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 374 728 480
E-mail: tachimex@seznam.cz, finlifetachov@seznam.cz
Internet: www.tachimex.cz
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