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Basic informations

SUVENYRY.COM Company Ltd. has operated on the market since 2006. The company offers a new range of quality and prices in the sphere of sales promotion. We know that quality promotional items and properly chosen promotional gifts with advertising printing are one of the most suitable marketing instruments because they advert to your professionalism.

We are able to offer the most suitable goods for you. We also offer advertising services such as textile printing, decoration of glass and porcelain or souvenirs.

We can expand to Berlin, Munich, Paris, Amsterdam.

Address and contacts

Papírenská 7

Praha 6

160 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 233 326 136

Mob.:Rekl. předměty: 733 316 131 Suvenýry: 736 622 619

Fax: +420 233 326 137



Promotional materials

- nový katalog reklamních předmětů je již k dispozici!! Neváhejte si nám o něj napsat, rádi Vám jej zašleme Download
...únorové novinky Download
Do you want to be informed about demands before others? Registrovat se k odběru novinek

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