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Basic informations

Stabilplastik Company Ltd. is engaged in production and sale of plastic transport pallets (industrial packaging), europallets and products from recycled plastics which are suitable for transport of goods and the shelves too.

Processing of waste plastics (HDPE, LDPE, PP).

Manufacturing schedule:
- CLASSICAL EUROPALLETS – sizes 800 x 1200 x 150 mm or sizes 1000 x 1200 x 165 mm
- LIGHT STRUCTURAL PALLETS – sizes 800 x 1200 x 150 mm or sizes 1000 x 1200 x 150 mm

The Stabilplastik Company also offers MOBILE BARRIERS which are suitable for separation of sidewalks and roads in the municipalities and for operators of go-kart courses.

Processing of waste plastics (HDPE, LDPE, PP), especially polyethylene waste (HDPE, LDPE) both the film and the packing of shampoo and washing powder, paint container, canister, container etc.

We also produce pallets for Gitterboxes and pallets designed under the DIN barrels.

If you have other questions, please contact us at above phone numbers or visit our web site.

We are looking forward to you!

Address and contacts

5. května 457


250 64

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 233 355 385

Mob.:+420 606 598 932



Promotional materials

Plastová skladebná paleta Plastová skladebná paleta Download
Plastové palety lehké Plastové palety lehké Download
Plastové palety Plastové palety Download
Plastové svodidlo SVOD II. Plastové svodidlo SVOD II. Download
Plastové svodidlo SVOD Plastové svodidlo SVOD Download
Plastová europaleta Plastová europaleta Download
Plastové přepravní palety Plastové přepravní palety Download
Odvodňovací žlab Stabilplastik prezentace ke stažení Download
Produktový leták -odvodňovací žlab ke stažení Download

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