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Basic informations

Šplíchal Company, Ltd. offers a production of very precise parts of tools, punches, matrices, boards and spare parts made of tooling steel or carbides. We are equipped by CNC technology in cutting operation, electro-erosive machining and grinding. The production is realized in our own modern premises. For the construction of models, engineering drawing and for precise enlargements designed for PeTeWe machines the company uses constructive software AutoCad-Mechanical, Autodesk-Invertor and for measuring products are used certificated gauges Mitutoyo. More information you can find on our web sites.

Address and contacts

Lidická 403

Lanškroun - Žichlínské Předměstí

563 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 465 325 188

Mob.:+420 724 278 911



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