Slévárny Třinec, a.s. |
We Produce handmade and machined castings from carbon and medium or highly alloyed steel from 5kg up to 20 ton. Handmade and machined castings from hematite, gray cast iron and ductile iron from 2 to 50 ton, and metallurgical rolls up to 30 ton. Handmade castings of non ferrous metal alloys. Production process also contains services such as production of modeling devices, heat treatment, processing, surface finish of casts, also including painting and sending finished products to our customers. We deliver our castings to many industrial sectors. Thanks to our over 170 years long tradition and many years of experience, We are able to deal with non-standard request from our customers.!
Průmyslová 1001, Staré Město
739 61
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 558 532 040
Fax: +420 558 532 586
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