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Basic informations

The company S. K. Industrietechnik, s. r. o. offers to its customers service, consultant activity and designing structural activity in the field of hydraulic and pneumatic systems in the markets. Instead of this the firm in the terms of its wide activity offers: highspeed-torque slowrunning motors, axial hydrostatic hydrogenerators and hydromotors, hydraulic steering servo units, compact hydrostatic gear-boxes and transremedies, hydromotors and hydrogenerators - axial and multi-plate, hydraulic units - distributors, valves - standard and proportional, hydraulic gladhands, spherical valves, clamps of hydraulic circuit - hoses and tubes - for distribution of liquid and gas, hand tube bending machines, gladhands for gas and liquid, manometers and measurement systems of pressure and temperature, hydraulic press tubes and armatures, pressing machines for assembly of hydraulic tubes, filters and filter accessories etc. Hydraulic units can be of different constructional execution, they can have a different connecting sizes, sizes of shafts, sizes of connecting inlets. There is needfull to consult a concrete application with engineers of the company S. K. Industrietechnik, s. r. o., Dubnica nad Vahom.

Address and contacts

Vácka 4115/16

Dubnica nad Váhom

018 41

Česká republika

Tel.:+421 424 426 618


Fax: +421 424 426 619



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