RAVAGO CZ s.r.o. |
The firm RAVAGO Praha, spol. s r.o. represents the top world known producers of thermal insulative materials in the Czech market. These basic materials are suitable completed with other domestic or import products so that it creates compact thermal insulative systems. Products: STYROFOAM (excellent stable thermal insulation in building), ETHAFOAM (insulation of structure-borne sound), PERIDAM (for insulation of noise bridges, in transmission by floor or to separation of connection between wall and floor), ROUNDEX (joint fill under silicone packing, filling material in window glazing or for suspended facades), MAKROLON AND POLYGAL (polycarbonated glassed-in folders /ventricular plastic folders for thermal insulative and unbreakable glazing), PLASTICOR (dot lights), POLYSIGN (light and fixed folders made from polycarbonate, used for achieving a maximal effect from indoor lighting by huge neon signs), SALUX (formed folders from hardened PVC, for light units in light roofs and to terrace and winter garden shielding), TYVEK (cock-loft diffused foils), SISAL INSULEX (steam-proof foils), RAMOTHERM (sandwich insulative walling), S-LON (plastic dressed and matched flooring and plastic gutter system), TRESPA (tempered great format facades and furnitures folders), TYPAR and TYPAR - PLANTEX (geotextile), HAMNAP (two-coated picked foils for preventives of substructure). More information on www.
Přátelství 555
Praha 10 - Uhříněves
104 00
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 274 877 032-3
Fax: +420 274 877 316
E-mail: ravago@ravago.cz
Internet: www.ravago.cz
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