ORPA Papír a.s. |
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Construction cores - cylindrical paper forms used in the building industry to concrete columns and supports, or to lighten monolithic structures such as bridge bodies, ceilings, dams, or to form designed cavities is such structures so as to house piping and cable distributions. The cylindrical paper form comprises a spiral wound paper core, inside and outside coated for protection, whereby increased surface smoothness and water resistance are attained. The paper form is produced with inner diameters from 200 to 600 mm and lengths from 500 to 6000 mm. The paper form is inside and on surface equipped with a protection coating for increase of surface smoothness and waterproof. There is possible to equip it with a zip for easy removal of paper form.
Žichlínské Předměstí, Nádražní 150
563 26
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 465 386 218
Mob.:+420 724 183 187
Fax: + 420 465 386 103
E-mail: orpa@orpa.cz
Internet: www.orpa.cz
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