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Basic informations

OKENTĚS company Ltd. deals with wholesale for production, crafts and trade. There are sealing elements of windows, doors, gates and joints. We sell tube sealing and EURO, silicone, TPTE and self-adhesive, construction and housing brushes, brushes for loggia and cases, drop thresholds hobby and fire with inhibition of 50dB, threshold and transition lathes. We also offer cements, silicones and PUR foam, glues, forgings for windows and doors, meters, plugs, electric tools… We import for you from 15 foreign partners. Catalogue for companies is for free. More information you can find on our web sites

Address and contacts

Zašovská 71

Valašské Meziříčí-Krásno nad Bečvou

757 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 571 751 571, +420 571 751 589

Mob.:+420 777 777 999

Fax: +420 571 751 599



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