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Basic informations

Our company is mainly engaged in works at heights. The company was founded in 1998 by Martin Tvrdý. The structure of the company has grown and in 2009 the company was transformed and became a limited company. Our main goal is high-quality work and satisfied customer. During our operation on the market we have been engaged in a wide range of works at heights on occasion of various activities. Thanks to this fact we got a rich experience in fields such as roofing, insulating, varnishing, building works, plumbing and others. Works at heights safely

Our company externally cooperates with 2-15 trained height specialists. In depends on the range and term of contracts. These climbers own certification for implementation of works at heights and they dispose of high professional experiences and skills especially in branches such as building industry, plumbing and insulating works.

Works at heights which cannot be found anywhere else.

We have long-time experience in the sphere of working at heights. Thanks to these experiences we are able to offer fast, quality and flexible services at very reasonable prices. More information you can find on our website and on mentioned phone numbers. We are looking forward to seeing you.

Address and contacts

Tiskařská 10/257

Praha 10

120 00

Česká republika

Tel.:Informace + příjem zakázek : +420 775 201 201

Mob.:hlavní technik: +420 776 149 123



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