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Basic informations

The firm MONOKRYSTALY s.r.o. specializes especially in production of potentiometrical sensors and measurement technique for ions concentration in solution measurement. We offer a wide assortment of Ion-Selective Electrodes, pH Electrodes, redox Electrodes and pH meters for measurement in laboratories, aimed at control. ** MANUFACTURING PROGRAMME ** 1.) ISE - Ion-Selective ELECTRODES - pH glass, gas, with plastic membrane, with solid membrane, referentiall electrodes, metal and redox + accessories (standby membranes and solution for gas electrodes), pH/mV/ion meters. 2.) USE - in agriculture, medicine, food industry, stationery, photochemistry, geology and mining, metallurgy and plate bathouses, oil refining and gas manufacture, pharmaceutical, energetics, watereconomy, education, development, sourness determination. For more information, please, do not hesitate to contact us on our telephone numbers or visit our web sites ( We are looking forward to you!!!

Address and contacts

Vesecko 487


511 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 481 313 200


Fax: +420 481 313 200



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