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Basic informations

The company LFM-servis Ltd. is the general representative for selling the presses of HSM brand in ČR and Slovak Republic. The presses involved: PRESSES FOR WASTE MATERIAL (paper, cardboard, foils, plastics, PET material, textile, TETRA PAK waste, etc.) – selling & servicing new and second-hand machines of all categories. VERTICAL PRESSES featuring pressing force 3.5 MT - 62 MT (suitable for smaller and medium-sized plants – volume of waste material ca. up to 100 MT / month, manual loading).

HORIZONTAL PRESSES featuring pressing force 8 MT - 32 MT (suitable for smaller and medium-sized plants – volume of waste material ca. up to 200 MT / month, loading manually or from collecting troughs or using conveyer feeding). FULLY AUTOMATED CHANNEL PRESSES, pressing force 10 MT – 100 MT (suitable for plants of any size – volume of waste material ca. up to 6,000 MT / month, loading manually or from collecting troughs or using conveyer / pneumatic feeding).

Also CONVEYERS FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT (design, project, manufacture and plant installation), SORTING PLANTS AND FINAL-SORTING LINES (design, project, manufacture and plant installation). Regarding more detailed information, we refer to our website

Address and contacts

Drahoňovského 810/1

Praha 6

163 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 251 624 916

Mob.:+420 603 457 957



Promotional materials

Firma LFM - servis získala ocenění "Dealer roku 2008" - za největší nárůst prodeje lisů HSM v Evropě v porovnání s předcházejícím rokem. Zároveň naše firma získala 4. místo v kategorii "Nejvíce prodaných lisů HSM za rok 2008" Download
Firma LFM - servis získala ocenění "Dealer roku 2007" za nejlepší zákaznický servis a ostatní servisní aktivity. Download
Ocenění Download
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