KŘIŽÍK GBI, a. s. |
The company KŘÍŽIK GBI, a. s. designs, manufactures, sells and provides services for electromechanical and electronic electricity meters - single-phase and polyphase and for special electricity meters. The company produced electronic electricity meters with overload capacity of 1000% of accuracy class 1. The most important advantage of this type is simple application of various additional equipments on the basis of electronics, their high precision and a wide measuring range. Electromechanical electricity meters are designed for electrical energy measurement in single-phase and three-phase networks in accuracy classes 2 or 1 with overload capacity up to 800%. Laboratory for electricity meters verification holds Acreditation Certificate of Slovak National Acreditation Service and resolution on authorization from Office of Standardization, metrology and testing of the Slovak republic for carrying out verification of electricity meters. The other production is the production of components and parts in the field of light mechanical engineering. The technological possibilities of company are characterised through its machinery in the following fields: Metal forming through cold working processes, metal cutting, die casting of aluminium, wire coiling, buffing and polishing of parts, thermal treatment and surface treatment. More about this prosperous company find at www.
Solivarská 1/A,
080 01
Česká republika
Tel.:+421 517 723 265-9, +421 517 731 325
Mob.:+421 905 318 979
Fax: +421 517 723 100
E-mail: gbi@krizik.sk
Internet: www.gbi.krizik.sk
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