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Basic informations

The company Kovovýroba Krob s.r.o. is engaged in metal cutting by turning and milling on CNC machines Mori Seiki, Kovosvit, Haas. Four-axis turning work, three-axis milling work. We provide building works, locksmith works and mounting. We produce banisters, fences, grates, gates, doors, steel constructions, penthouses, weldments, etc, of steel with possibility of surface treatment according the choice (heat zinc, powdered varnish, sprayed colours). We are also engaged in stainless production. We offer production and service of hydraulic cylinders from piston diameter of 15 mm up to 100 mm.

Address and contacts

Lidická 363

Jablonné v Podještědí

471 25

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 487 762 329

Fax: +420 487 762 783



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