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Basic informations

The company JASPOL s.r.o. is holder of certificate ČSN EN ISO 9001:2001 and is specialized in: 1) Plastic products – materials: PP, PE, PVC, PVDF, PPs, PPEL, PVC-W, PMMA (plexi), constructional wall elements. Tanks for drinking water with food-processing testimonial, storage tanks, sewage and leakage sumps for rainwater with whole documentation that is needed for approval according to law. Then we produce cooling and aeration tanks, grease and oil substances separators, dangerous waste bins, skeletons for ČOV according to client’s requirements, smelting and centring of plastic boards, air conditioning equipment – bends, reduction, pools – according to client’s requirements, containers for galvanized workrooms, neutralization station, chemical industry, etc. 2) Logistics – atypical trucks: stainless or steel according to needs and requirements of client, trucks – both steered axles. 3) Transport boxes, Pallets – transport boxes: carton plastic PP, destined for stocking and transport of industrial elements, especially for car industry. Pallets: steel, lightweight construction, destined for stocking and transport of industrial elements. 4) Storage power - destined for food-processing industry, stores of different bulk materials. 5) Assembly reservoirs – all-plastic design PE, PLEXI or metal-plastic combination – car industry, electro-technology, electronic. 6) Rustless tanks. 7) Special products - air-washers: water sprinkle, mounting works, welding of plastic pipes up to 630 mm in average. 8) We prepare, educate your employees for basic course of plastics welders (boards and tubes, including exams assurance and periodic testing). More information you can find on our internet pages

Address and contacts

Nádražní 271

Ledeč nad Sázavou

584 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 569 721 782

Mob.:+420 739 262 223, 602 288 129; 603 221 868

Fax: +420 569 720 525



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