The firm Jares produces water coolers and coolers of other liquid for cooling of machine tools, injection presses, lasers, accelerators, welding machines, laboratory equipments, technological processes in food, chemical, plastic, rubber and engineering industry. This coolers are also used for a water air conditioning and roof cooling. It makes possible to use lost heat for a supply water heating and air heating. There are produced air cooled and also water cooled coolers. There are variants to indoor environment, to outdoor environment and parted ones with a separated condensators. There is possible to choose coolers with pump and feed cistern, or only flow one without a container and without pump. More technical inforamtion find ant web site, or at telephone numbers.
Továrenská 49
Zlaté Moravce
953 01
Česká republika
Tel.:+421 376 421 237
Mob.:+421 905 499 331
Fax: +421 376 421 237
E-mail: jares@nextra.sk
Internet: www.jares.sk/chladenie
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